Trend essentials you need for summer
Hi my loves,
a few days ago I have showed you my 5 Classic Summer Essentials which should not be missing in any closet. These are the classicals, the basis of your summer wardrobe. Nevertheless there are also items we are into every season, the so-called trend pieces. For this reason I have picked up my favourites of the 5 biggest trends this summer.
Let’s start straight away with the biggest trend of all:
Wicker Bags
If you are following the Insta-Feeds of some of the biggest Streetstyle Stars you may have noticed that there is a huge trend at the moment: Wicker bags! They are currently seen on every fashionista and they are celebrating a big comeback this season. Or wait, did they ever had such a big image? I don’t think so. They were just perfect to take them to the beach and throw them into the corner afterwards. But times are changing and they are actually the big stars now. You can combine them easily and wear it with almost everything, my personal favourite trend!
Another big thing. The Gingham print is seen on many items currently. They are also called Vichy squares and they are honestly not new at all. But now there are so many pretty pieces, the agony of choice. You can’t even decide to go for one single piece but you do not need to. If you go for some affordable items it is no problem at all. The only thing you should consider is to combine the print with neutral colours and simple fits to avoid looking liek a clown in the end.
Is there any print screaming more summer and mediterranean feeling slike lemons? I don’t think so. Lemons are perfect to get us mentally far far away to the gardens of Sicily, the balconies of Capri and the prettiest Amalfi coast. Postal card captures and this is the exact feeling those tops, skirts and dresses are giving us: summer, sun and happiness. Just combine it with a smile, a tan and some gold jewelry. These prints are meant to make us happy!
White lace
When you think about white lace you probably immediately think about weddings. But this precious material is supposed to be so much more. I mean weddings are the best thing in life, don’t get me wrong, but this day normally takes place once in a lifetime and the white dress is buried away somwhere for the rest of its life. That’s such a pitty! It should be reanimated and customized, cutted. Ok, if we are talking about a special robe from Carolina Herrera please ignore my advise here.For all others there is just one thing: DIY! Furthermore there are som any cool white lace dresses, tops and skirts this season, they are jsut waiting to be discovered!
My second favourite trend. There is nothing better than putting on a top with ruffles, it gives us such a cool opulence within some seconds. But bear in mind: they are crying out for attention and they do not accept any other big players beside. This actually means that the ruffle piece should be the highlight of your look. Combine it with a simple blue jeans or a pencil skirt. A ruffle blouse is a great option for the office by the way. We are all sick of the monotone striped ones, right?
Den Ruffle Trend finde ich so schön 🙂
Aber ich habe das Teil für mich noch nicht gefunden. Da muss ich wohl noch weitersuchen. Du hast eine sehr schöne Auswahl getroffen
Liebe Grüße Anni von
Hallo liebe Anni,
ist bei meiner Auswahl auch kein schönes Ruffle teil für dich dabei? Es gibt momentan sooo viele!
Wo hast du denn schon geguckt?
Liebe Grüße
Monique xx
Du hast ja fantastische Teile ausgesucht und zusammen gestellt. Da ich für mich einiges dabei :-*
viele liebe Grüße
Melanie /
Danke du Liebe ♥♥ mich freut es sehr, dass dir die Teile gefallen! Was ist denn dein Lieblingsteil?
Liebe Grüße
Monique xx
Dieser momentane Bommel und Rüschen Trend ist einfach super. Erinnert an die 50er/60er und ist trotzdem irgendwie mal wieder was ganz Neues.
Ja das stimmt! Und es macht so viel Spaß all die neuen Teile anzuschauen und anzuprobieren, oder?
Ich wünsche dir ein ganz schönes langes Wochenende,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx