Those Indian Colours – Fall w/ all Eyeshadow Beauties
Hi my loves,
you probably know that I am totally addicted to fall. I just love all of those colours. There is nothing more beautiful than all these colours when you are down for a walk in autumn in the middle of golden October. Nature has so much to give, we should only open our eyes from time to time! And it is the best time to wear a glamouros make-up, especially eyeshadows. I recently discovered some great eyeshadows some days ago I want to share with you now.
A real colour explosion! Usually they say that you have to concentrate on one half of your face. Means you either go for red lips or dark eyeshadow. But when it comes to beauty it is the same with fashion. There are rules and rules but they will be new defined every season and now the only rule says: Mix and match whatever you want!
For me it is like paradise! As you might know I can’t live without my red lipstick and now I can also use the wildest eyeshadow tones! Yesss! Ok, I never sticked to those rules either, but this will be kept as a secret, right?
At the moment I am totally into those aubergine eyeshadows. They make my greenblue eyes shine like Christmas stars. It is the best combo! But I also love every bronze and deep forest green metallic tone. For my lips I usually take rich red tones.
However in fall I also take darker berry tones. But in this case you have to consider two things: you need to apply this lipsticks with high precision (take a little brush for it) and you should also consider that darker lips will always let you look a little bit older. So the right colour is very important and decision-making! If you are not sure about it seek for some advise in the next specialist store.
As I have a very bright and cool skin tone I usually use red tones with a blue cast. My favourite brands are Chanel and Saint Laurent. But MAC has also some great products. Ruby Woo is one of their most popular ones! Warmer type of skins can also wear any kind of orange nuances. You just need to try and find the right colour for you!
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Ich bin ein ganz großer Fan deines Gürtels :O
LG Eli
Danke liebe Elli ♥♥ den Gürtel könnte ich auch tatsächlich jeden Tag rauf und runter tragen!
Liebe Grüße
Monique xx
Wirklich sehr sehr schön <3
Allerliebste Grüße,
Vielen Dank liebe Katta ♥♥
Hab einen schönen sonnigen Tag!
Liebe Grüße
Monique xx
Beautiful photos babe! In love with that belt! x
love the coat
love this! great makeup inspo
Ich liebe dieses Outfit! Es steht dir so unheimlich gut und passt zu den kalten Temperaturen im Moment! 🙂
Sandra von
Ich muss ehrlich gestehen ich bin gar nicht so der Eye Shadow Typ. Meistens liegt der Fokus eher auf meinen Lippen und ich verdränge dann schonmal schnell dass es ja auch noch Augen gibt um die man sich kümmern kann (und soll). Aber ich freue mich schon auf die dunkleren Lippenstifte <3 Dann wird mein MAC Diva Lippenstift auch endlich mal wieder genutzt 🙂
Sophie xx
Ja das kenne ich, aber da mich die tollen Lidschatten momentan alle so ansprechen, werde ich jetzt auch mal mit der Kriegsbemalung starten 🙂 im Herbst/Winter darf es schonmal mehr sein! Den MAC Diva habe ich noch nie ausprobiert, muss ich aber auf jeden Fall mal! Danke für den Tipp!
Eine schönes Wochenende,
liebe Grüße
Monique xx