Aestheso Münster – a place where magic happens Hi my loves, some weeks ago I decided to visit the Aestheso Clinic in Münster. Aestheso offers a lot of Medical Beauty treatments at the highest level. I have heard a lot of good things before and I was so excited! Dr. med. Nadine Peukert and her […]
Everyday wavy hair
My everyday wavy hair look Hi my loves, while I am writing these words I am finally on my way to sunny Spain! Hell yes! We actually did it and booked our flights, I just can’t wait to see the sun but before I will show you some amazing projects coming up I wanted to […]
Beauty of Fall│Eyeshadow Addiction
Those Indian Colours – Fall w/ all Eyeshadow Beauties Hi my loves, you probably know that I am totally addicted to fall. I just love all of those colours. There is nothing more beautiful than all these colours when you are down for a walk in autumn in the middle of golden October. Nature has […]
Olaplex Treatment│Pastel Hair
Olaplex does it better – Pastel Hair Hi my loves, my hair is living again! Thanks to Serdal and Olaplex! Lucky me that you have not seen my hair some days before. I just wanted to refresh my old hair because the roots were just too dark and I did not have the time to […]
Beauty Favourites│May
It is all about the perfect brushes Hi my loves, today I would like to introduce my May beauty favourites. If I have learned one thing during my long time on earth regarding beauty, then this: good brushes are essentials! And so we straightly go ahead to my first favourite: 1. Foundation Brush Of course […]