Get ready to partyyy Hi my loves, well, the year is almost over now. Unbelievable. I really don’t know where the time remains. There is still so much to do, so much to consider and handle. There is no point at all. Do you know this feelings? The to-do list is endless. But it is […]
# Snap of the day: Satin Dress #
It’s all about that dress Hi my loves, it might seem to be a little bit too early to think about christmas parties but precaution is always good, isn’t it? So to avoid running in panic through the shops in November I have found this jewel. 🙂 You will be the star at every party! […]
# 10 signs that we are getting older #
Yes, the signs of time do not leave us untouched. It will catch you soon or later. This is guaranteed! So there are two options: you accept it and live with it or you will look like Uma Thurman newly. But I guess most of us do not want this. Beside little tips and tricks […]