How to make love last – after years and years and years
Hi my loves,
it is about time to share a very personal blogpost with you as many of you asked me who is the person behind MOD – by Monique. So I actually decided to share more personal thoughts and posts with you talking about issues we all care about.
Let’s start with one almost everybody already experienced:
How do I make love last after years?
Well, the truth is: there is no wonder at all. No one recipe. But I think that you can keep it very simple: if you really love someone it will stay. The one and only true love. I also think that you can stick to some little or even bigger factors to keep the love fresh and alive and to feel comfortable within a relationship.
As you might know I am married a while now, this year it will be our 10th anniversary. Crazy, isn’t it? Whenever I think about it or even when I see the figure I just can’t believe that I am married such a long time. Time flies. Of course we know each other ever since, for 12 years now to be more precisely (it was not a Vegas Drive-in marriage) đ
So you can trust me that we have experienced a lot during these 12 years. We laughed a lot together, cried, traveled, celebrated, danced and raged. Everything and a lot more. With my husband I have also found a partner for life, my best friend and favorite person. A person I will never ever miss again.
But how does it work after so many years?
As mentioned before I do not have the one recipe. It even more depends on so many factors feeling happy or unhappy within a relationship. Especially when living together (what is probably the case in most long-term relationships) there are some suggestions I always stick to. So now I would like to share them with you:
1. Love yourself
For me it is indeed the most important point. When you are not loving yourself you are not able to love anybody else. That’s a fact. Love begins with self-love. With acceptance and tolerance.
2. Just chill’ out for a while
Of course there are some situations when you could climb up the wall! He forgot to put the dirty dishes into the cleaner? Well, do not take it too serious. Maybe he had a busy day as well and it is not meant in any badly way. Sure, you can start a discussion right now. But why? To screw up the evening? It makes no sense at all. Try to take it easy with a smile and plan a sweet revenge đ
3. Accept your partner’s hobbies
Everyone is different. We are all individuals. And it is good just the way it is! Some loves football others love to travel around the world. Whatever he or she loves it is not always easy to fit them all at the same time. So sometimes you just need to let your partner do his or her thing. It is totally ok. You do not have to do everything together. Everyone needs freedom even when living in a relationship. So we come straight to the next point:
4. Everybody needs a little bit of freedom
At the beginning of a relationship we just want to spend all the time together, night and day, every day. The endorphins are dominating everything, our body and mind, we could embrace the whole world. This situation will probably change during a relationship. It does not mean that we do not love each other, quite the opposite, love grows due to closeness, trust and eternal security. But we all do need a little retreat from time to time. It doesn’t matter what you are doing when you are alone, the most important thing is that you are happy with it, so the same with your partner.
5. Travel together
Believe me: changing places can change minds as well. We are automatically changing perspectives when we are at another place far away from home. Problems, huge and insurmountable at home, will now be tiny and ridiculous. We suddenly have a another point of view, we do see things more clearly. And we have much more time. Time to listen to your partner and spending quality time together. Things we often neglect during daily life but it is indispensable for happy relationships.
6. Small presents receive the friendship – and love
We all love to receive a little gift. Just imagine receiving a sweet bar of chocolate or a beautiful bunch of flowers during a stressful working day. There is nothing better, right? We love and appreciate our soulmates so we should definitely show it. Not only on special days like birthdays, it is even more important to show the love on every other day.
7. Appreciation and Respect
We all know: things might get heated during a relationship. No, I do not mean that thing (it should be also ok, but that’s another issue đ In truth I am talking about differences of opinion and discussions. It is important to be always, always, always and I mean always respectful. Never ever lose appreciation or respect even though discussing delicate issues. Appreciation is key.
These are my suggestions. This does not mean that they will work in every relationship, it is only my life experience. Like said before: everybody is different, we are all individual.
Now I am very curious about your opinion lovelies! Please let me know: how do you make your love last? Do you have any special tip I do not know so far?
Have a beautiful day filled with joy and love,
Monique xx
Ja, die Liebe ist kein SelbstlĂ€ufer und bedarf stĂ€ndiger Pflege und Zuneigung. Viele erhoffen sich den Kick von neuen Eroberungen und verpassen den Erlebnisschatz einer langjĂ€hrigen Beziehung. Wie die alten Kubaner zu sagen pflegen – das Leben und die Liebe ist nur ein Sammelsurium an Erinnerungen und das ist das schönste, was am Ende eines langen gemeinsamen Lebens zĂ€hlt wenn man mit 90 am Strand den Sonnenuntergang gemeinsam genieĂt. Also haltet durch und nach jedem Sturm scheint ja bekanntlich die Sonne und zwar nicht nur auf Kuba ;). LG Tomasino
Oh das hast du aber schön gesagt. Ich hĂ€tte es nicht besser sagen können! Die Liebe ist schon etwas Wunderbares, oder? NatĂŒrlich kann man sich immer wieder BestĂ€tigung holen, viele brauchen diese BestĂ€tigung immer und immer wieder. Um dann festzustellen, dass die neuen Beziehungen genauso sind wie die alten đ
Liebe GrĂŒĂe
Monique xx
Ich kann dir nur voll und ganz zustimmen! Eine Beziehung ist wahrlich kein SelbstlĂ€ufer. Was auch sehr sehr wichtig ist: Reden. Reden, Reden und nochmals Reden. Oft gibt es einfach MissverstĂ€ndnisse und die kann man ganz schnell beseitigen. Kommunikation ist immer gut. Ich selbst bin jetzt seit 7 Jahren in einer Beziehung und glĂŒcklich wie nie zuvor! Mit meinem Freund habe ich Mister Right gefunden. NatĂŒrlich gibt es mal schwierigere Zeiten, aber das ist ganz normal und kommt immer vor.
Liebe GrĂŒĂe
Hallo liebe Julia,
das stimmt absolut! Kommunikation ist wirklich alles und so so wichtig! Und wie du sagst, es ist völlig normal, dass man zwischendurch auch mal schwierige Zeiten hat. Wichtig ist nur, dass man diese Zusammen durchsteht!
Hab einen schönen Sonntag,
liebe GrĂŒĂe
Monique xx
I can only say that you are absolutely right! Simply adore your lifestyle advise Monique! Seems that you have a lot of experience and I love that your share all of these tips with your followers. Thanks for everything, cheers Samantha