October Love – my yearly resume Hi my loves, the month of October has always played a special role in my life. Not only because of the seasons change and my fave fall season with all its amazing colors but even more because October also means turning one year older. Therefore I use to take […]
Bin ich ein Blogger und wenn ja wieviele?
Sorry, this entry is only available in German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Blogger life – it isn’t alles Gold was glänzt Hallo meine Lieben, ihr magt euch vielleicht denken, dass ich jetzt total […]
Style Analphabet
Fashionblogger daily life – it isn’t easy to find the right style On some days I could really climb the wall. Everything is going wrong. Nothing works especially nothing you just wanted to do this day. In this case: shooting a new style. Should probably be very easy for a Fashionblogger or “Online Influencer”, right? […]
Luxury Fashion│Where’s the limit?
Do we really need to buy, and buy and buy – Luxury Fashion? Hi my loves, you may have read one of those article about Vetements the last time. Some of them love him and celebrate him as the new fashion messias but the other ones do not understand how anyone can buy a simple […]