How to look elegant in white and checked
Hi my loves,
I hope you had wonderful Easter holidays and some time to relax! We are also at home currently to work on some upcoming projects and organize some stuff. As already mentioned on Instagram there will be a change of design coming up. I am so curious what you will think about it! AndI hope that everything will go well of course. But before I wanted to show you a last streetstyle. In my last post I was wearing an all-white look by Allude, this time I added a grey checked blazer for a pop of colour.
I am wearing the pointed slingbacks nearly daily now. Ok, only if the weather is good enough. At the moment my toes would probably freeze off. Anyhow the shoes are my partners in style every day and they are perfect for almost every look. And they were a real lucky find, I mean only 19,90 €. Hard to believe, right? To get a classy and high-quality touch I just snatched a silk blouse from Isabel Marant and some cigarette pants from Max Mara.
The checked blazer with striking shoulder poufs is capturing the Big-Shoulder Vetemets/Jil Sander/Balenciaga Trend and this is certainly perfect for a slim silhouette! I would call this look a perfect Girl-Boss Power Outfit. So nothing can go wrong with this look!
Please keep your fingers crossed for the relaunch of MOD!
Have a great rest of the week,
Monique xx
│Shop my Style│
Blazer: Zara, similar (here) or (here)
Pants: Max Mara, similar (here) or (here)
Blouse: Isabel Marant, similar (here) or (here)
Slingbacks: Zara, similar (here) or (here)
Du bist wieder super gestylt! Ich liebe deinen Look :-*
viele liebe Grüße
Melanie /
Sehr schöner Look! Die Schuhe gefallen mir besonders gut! Die erinnern total an Dior!
LG Eli
Ein sehr schöner urbaner Look zum Wohlfühlen im Alltag. Finde ich echt toll. LG Tomasino
Das Outfit gefällt mr total gut, ich mag den Oversized Blazer und das Muster. Wirklich super!
Mir frieren momentan auch die Zehen ab draußen bei solchen Schuhen, ich hoffe es wird jetzt endlich etwas wärmer, denn zu solchen Outfits mag ich keine Stiefeletten mehr sehen oder tragen. Obwohl das mit deinen Chloé Stiefeletten bestimmt auch toll aussehen würde…
Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
xo ♥
Claudine /